Jun 20, 2009


I would like to tell a beautiful history.

This picture is of Didi. Didi is a little dog, and I save it her life two weeks ago.

It was late, and I was in the University. I went out to take the bus to return my apartment, and I saw when a car knocked down Didi.

It was dangerously wounded, and some people was there thought it was dead. I approached and I touch it to fell her pulse. Didi was alive, but it was bleeding for the nose, and it had the weak pulse.

I was with two friends, we take it and we went to University to search a Vet.

The vet attends to it and it remained in the hospital, because her wounds were very serious.

It was there for three days. I went to see it every day, and the second day I took a walk.

The third day, the doctor say me Didi was good, and I took to my apartment, because it had no owner.

I decided to call it Didi, and I began to look for a home to it. I would like to live with her, but it´s impossible, because I live in apartment, I stay in the University all day, and I travel to Antofagasta frequently.

My mom will came to Santiago in two weeks, and she will take her to her house in Antofagasta. I very happy with that, because my mom loves dogs, and she want a little dog to accompany. Didi travelled by plane.

This is an history with a happy end.

May 29, 2009

My Notebook =)

I like to have a notebook at home. My father gave it to me when I finished secondary, and it was very nice gift. I was happy, because I lived in Antofagasta and I wanted to study in Santiago. I need it to communicate with my parents and friends, and call them by telephone would be very expensive.

My computer has a webcam, so I can see everyone that I speak.

In addition, it has been very useful to me because I can look for information for my career, and I could study better.

I use internet, to speak with my friends by messenger or facebook. For the study, I can use Google, and with my classmates, we have an e-mail to communicate us. It is very useful to study, especially when I go to Antofagasta because we can do homework together, although if I am far!

My life would be difficult if I wouldn´t have my notebook, because I live alone in Santiago, sometimes I feel sad, and I need to listen my family or my best friends who are in Antofagasta. Even I can see photos, write or speak them.

I don´t know how would be my life if I wouldn´t have my notebook!

May 15, 2009

Hi !

I'm Nicole Dusanka Restovic Diaz, i was born in Antofagasta, Chile. I'm 19 years old and i'm studying Veterinary Medicine in the University of Chile.

Now, I am living alone in Santiago...it's sad...but everything for love to the animals xD.

I like ride a horse and play handball, but now i cannot do it, becouse i have an injury in the back. :(

I created this blog because I believe that it's very important to learn english and I would like to know more about my classmates.

____________Welcome to my Blog________